Learn more about our efforts to build a 750-mile trail network in the region at http://www.circuittrails.org/. #onthecircuit
After over twenty long years of feasibility studies, grant-writing, and securing of approvals, our community now has the first 2.8 mile phase of a beautiful paved trail that we can enjoy for cycling, running, and strolling. Construction is now essentially complete of Phase I (2.8 miles). Engineering design work is underway on Phase II of the project.
We need your help. Please “like” us on Facebook, share the news about the trail’s progress, join us at upcoming volunteer events, and support your trail financially. While federal, state, and foundation money is often available for design and construction, Friends of Chester Creek will continue to assist with maintenance and other administrative costs. For example, in 2014, we incurred over $13,000 in engineering and legal bills during the final approval phases, and there are no grants available for these kinds of expenses.